Headquarters of SchwörerHaus KG


Anfahrt Hauptwerk SchwoererHaus
For visitors, interested people, customers

Would you like to visit us at our headquarters?

Hans-Schwörer-Str. 8
D-72531 Hohenstein-Oberstetten

Tel.: +49 7387 16-0
Fax: +49 7387 16-500-100
E-Mail: info@schwoerer.de 

Delivery address (trucks, parcel services):

Would you like to deliver goods?

1) Direct truck access from the B312:

Im Bremental 6
D 72531 Hohenstein-Oberstetten

Tel.: +49 7387 16-0

2) Special delivery: Talweg (only steel for the sheet metal processing department)

3) Billing address and delivery by parcel service:

Hans-Schwörer-Straße 8  (keine LKWs!)
D 72531 Hohenstein-Oberstetten

Tel.: +49 7387 16-0


Headquarters of SchwörerHaus

Hauptsitz der SchwörerHaus KG

Hans-Schwörer-Str. 8
D-72531 Hohenstein-Oberstetten

Tel.: +49 7387/16-0
Fax: +49 7387/16-500-100

E-Mail: info@schwoerer.de