Das Plusenergiehaus Helmstorf profitiert von satten Stromgewinnen aus der Photovoltaik-Anlage. Und produziert somit über das Jahr gerechnet mehr Strom als für Heizung, Warmwasser und Haushalt benötigt wird. Mit dem Überschuss könnte ein Elektroroller ca. 6.800 Kilometer fahren. Für weiteren Energiegewinn sorgt der Schwörer-Trainer: Die beim Sport auf dem Heimtrainer erzeugte Energie wird zur Erwärmung des Brauchwassers verwendet. Gleichzeitig wird die erhöhte Wärmeabstrahlung des Körpers über die Anlage zur kontrollierten Lüftung zurückgewonnen.
We are not far from you. With design centres, production sites, but primarily with show homes and building advisors ready to provide comprehensive support.
Our building consultants are available to you for a personal, online video consultation.
Schwörer show home in Seevetal-Helmstorf
Garbershoff 1
DE 21218 Helmstorf
Tel.: +49 4105 1559606
Opening hours:
By telephone agreement.
Do you want to find out more about our Schwörer houses?
We are happy to send you a free information pack.
Single-family homes
Single or two-storey, with gable, hip or flat roof, as an urban villa, country house or cube – we implement your individual single-family home for you.
A light, airy living ambience, direct access to the garden from all rooms – living on one level has its appeal. Bungalows are single-storey houses with many possibilities.
FlyingSpaces: Tiny Houses
FlyingSpaces or Tiny houses are high-quality modules that work as an entire mini house, single-room extension or even in combination.
Semi-detached houses
Semi-detached houses are a good alternative, when construction density is concerned. The construction of semi-detached and terraced houses is of interest for inner-city plots in particular.
Houses with an annex
Do you want a second, self-contained residential unit within your single-family home, so that you can rent it out or have grandparents or adult children in the house?
Multiple-family homes
Are you looking for a secure, long-term, low-risk investment? From a financial and strategic perspective, investment in a multiple-family home is worthwhile.
Schwörer-Prefabricated Houses
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